Published inRESONATESSometimes My Name is MomBeing a mom is hard. Being a stepmom is a different kind of hard.May 14, 20241613May 14, 20241613
A Journey to ParenthoodMy desire to have a family has ebbed and flowed throughout my life.Being homeschooled, I never really saw other parents interacting with…Feb 12, 2023151Feb 12, 2023151
The Poor Economics and Ethics of Burnout Culture“Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”Jan 3, 202267Jan 3, 202267
Published inInvisible IllnessNo is a Complete SentenceReclaiming my narrative and placing the blame on my rapist is one of the hardest things I have ever done.Sep 15, 20211742Sep 15, 20211742
My Medications Aren’t Making Me Sick, This is My Better“You take a lot of pills. Are you sure they aren’t making you sick?”Aug 27, 202184Aug 27, 202184
Published inP.S. I Love YouDear Mom, I Hate You. Please Come BackI wish things were different but they aren’t.May 8, 20214772May 8, 20214772
My Dad Got a Doggy Miracle for ChristmasThere is a website called where you can search books and movies to find the fate of canine companions. While not listed…Dec 24, 20201031Dec 24, 20201031
Even During a Pandemic, a Job Isn’t Worth Your SanityWe have all been there. Your dream job turns into a nightmare, and you begin to dread the sound of the alarm clock going off in the…Nov 2, 202048Nov 2, 202048
All My Favourite Demonsangst noun: a strong feeling of worry about what you should do, how you should behave, or what will happen in the futureSep 23, 2020Sep 23, 2020